Thursday, November 21, 2013

changing seasons

hahahah okay so yeah, i made myself laugh a lot at the title for a minute. it was sort of a joke, but also very real. metaphorically as well as literally. its snowing. so yeah, i hate that. if you know me, i really despise the snow. i wish it could be warm forever. but its not... so we deal with it and we get some pretty cool pictures i guess.

(photo cred: hanna nolen, who also really loves me a lot to get up and take it for me...)
also i really love my school and that i get to spend so much time this close to the beautiful temple. 

so my life... has been a mess of crazy and exciting. whats's new? i have 7 hours left of my internship which makes my life really happy. like, realllllllly happy. it has been a great experience but it has also made my life hard this semester. i have three weeks of school left and it has been great. i also started this thing (started as in made up and told people it was a real thing so it sorta became a real thing...) we call it wildlife wednesday. it's pretty fun. i like it. here is my selfie from this week... (a big shout out to savana- thanks sav for the scarf, without her it would not have been wildlife).

we also had a fiesta at school this week... no joke, i have evidence. 

so yeah, that was fun. i think i enjoy school.. but then i realize how much homework i have, the majority i have put off and i  then think otherwise. and then i have days like this^^^ and i remember that it really is fun.

i don't really have a lot of other things to say at this point, except that my mission papers have officially been submitted.... stay tuned!! eeeeeeeeeee :)


Monday, November 11, 2013

44 days until CHRISTMAS

Oh Maegan. LOVE that girl. (and her posts)
So, I'm kinda trying to thing of what is new... and not coming up with a lot. I have a boring life. Whatcha gonna do.
OH!!We 8 walked!!!!!! Yayayayayay it was sooooo good. Just like old times. Other than Keaton was there. He is kinda super glued to my side lately. He leaves in 9 days. :/ But I guess he did come a few times back in the day. Maybe not quite like Ben or Mark, but he was there every once in a while? Yeah... sorry about that Maegan.

Well, I finished another scarf. That makes three! Oh man. Grandma status... I know.

School is going well... I do lots of homework. As a side note... I should probably stop procrastinating. 

In other news, I made another wedding cake:

Oh and guess what I'm doing on Thursday?!
I'm going to the "Emerald Ball" (uvu dance) with Keaton <3
(stay tuned for cute pics:))
Oh and speaking of him, his farewell was on Sunday:

He did a great job.
Also Christmas happens to be in only 44 days! Is it bad that I'm maybe more excited for the semester to be over than for Christmas? And even more exciting than both of those is my sister's baby that is projected to arrive 4 days before Christmas:)
Until next time friends!
and maybe next time I'll have something more exciting to say....

Friday, November 1, 2013

welcome back

sorry it's not wednesday, but i'm here and we are good to go. morg's post; i died. it was soo good. and that creepy guy, WHAT?? haha thats so random and sketchy. but it's cool, you know his knock so you guys are good. ;)
anyways, i want to tell you a bit about my life here in the greater salt lake area.. (aka davis county). my life has been good. i have little to no social life and what human interaction i have is limited to my family, my nanny children and the occasional passerby. i currently am working two nanny jobs, go to school full time and also spend about 10 hours a week at an interior design showroom for my internship. when i am home i feel like i'm strapped to my computer working on homework... living the life right here. but i know it is going to be worth it. especially since this:
if you can read close, that is indeed a "request for graduation" form!

if you can read closer, you will see that it entails me taking a test, paying a fee, meeting with multiple people to ensure that i am indeed ready to graduate... lets get real people, it was almost not worth all the work to fill out the dang application... haha 
that's a lie. i cannot wait!
i have loved LDS Business College so much. i do all sorts of fun things and i have met so many awesome people. our school is so diverse and there are people from ALL over the world. i love it. butttttt... as much as i love it and the people, i am ecstatic to be done. i will be graduating in december with an associates degree in integrated studies with a certificate in interior design. if you were unaware, an associates degree is two years... i have finished (crammed) it into just a year and a half. i passed up multiple events, vacations and my summer to be able to get where i am with the grades that i have... i can't wait for a break even if it's just for a minute before i move on to the next chapter of my life!

i really don't have a lot more to say, considering i really don't do a whole lot besides school and work... but i did have a little photoshoot with my cat last night and i know you will love it! don't look at my face, it was Fabians face that made my whole life happy, have a good laugh and make fun of it all you want. 
#ishouldbeembarrassed #eh

well, thats pretty much my life right now... stick around, it might get a little more entertaining. 