Thursday, August 30, 2012

we sail

We have recently acquired SAILOR status.
Sometimes, we go sailing for mutual and it's legit... but it also blows (no pun intended ;)) because, it's maegan's last young womens activity. :/ :/ :/
Hate that really. so so so so much.
the worst.


But really, we love the worst, cause look at that ^^^^^^^^^ THAT is the best. 
So calm and pretty :)
I think I'll go write sailing on my summer bucket list and then check it off

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


yep. prom.

of course we went... morgan made the cake. duh. she's pretty much the best.

okay, okay. it was a prom birthday party. for a girl in our ward. the best part... her dress matched the cake!!

it was so great. pretty much, rachel and i made morgan go so we could go to prom..
we talked about it... kinda joking at first. but then, after morgan tried on ranch's dresses, we for real decided to go. we got all ready, drove for half an hour... went to prom. for 8 minutes. drove home, visited landon and  got pizza, and ate pizza in our dresses, on the porch swing. real good.


forget the fact that rachel is washed out... morg looks sups tan, and her dress may or may not have been unzipped.... and i am smiling with my teeth. :/
it was real great. super fun night. we all looked hott.....

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Tat Tut

(our tattoo tutorial)

Wow. kind of a tongue twister. Anyway, Maegan and I made our own temporary tattoos! Hooray!

So you start off with: a wet cloth, tracing paper, baby powder (or you can use corn starch), eyeliner, makeup brush, a pencil, ethyl alcohol (cleaning alcohol), cotton balls, a picture of what you want it to look like, and waterproof liquid bandage spray. DEFINITELY get the spray kind. We made that mistake.

Trace the picture (easier if it's simple, you'll have to draw it with eyeliner later) onto the tracing paper (you can just use parchment paper, works the same)

I love my octopus.
after you trace it using your pencil, clean the area you want the tattoo with the alcohol. Then, place it face down on your skin and use the wet cloth to get wet. Hold it there for about a minute. The image will transfer onto your skin. Like this:

 Now, trace the image in eyeliner. probably someone will have to do this for you. Especially if it's on your shoulder...

using your makeup brush, cover the area in baby powder.

then spray on the liquid bandage spray

let it dry and you are done!
this is maegan's, it's a dreamcatcher :) :) :) 

and you can't forget the bat tat :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Trend Setters.

We... are trend setters. What can we say? One day, we made these sweatshirts.. 

crew neck, cool story bro AWESOMENESS.

and  then I go to San Francisco..
Lo and behold, crew neck cool story bro sweatshirts.

For the record, we had them first.
I really think the only differences are, ours are very soft, hand made, slightly different font and our "tell it again" ends with the classic question mark. WE?! (what else)

On a scale of one to ten, the ones you can buy in the store are a -5. Ours sets the standard with a solid ten rating. If you are interested in the higher quality, handmade ones, please contact us. 
$80 each. Tips greatly appreciated. 

(MAEGAN... feel free to edit.. that was random. haha.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


so pretty much we love target. we love it a lot. we love it so much. 
mostly we go there to spray ourselves with perfume. except when it's all gone. 
but that's okay, when that happens.. we just leave a note for them to refill.

which they don't. :/

well... the other day, we were eating our taco bell. in the car. in the target parking lot. it was early morning mostly. this car flew into the parking lot. and out came these two old ladies. in 70 years. 
i documented. 
the tall one. me. 
the shorter. morg. 

spring break in our convertible and morgan's cane. hahah :)

we laughed so hard. this picture seriously sums it up quite nicely.

-morgs truck
-jenny the fish in the corner
-spring break
-us +70 years. 
-taco bell.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

For Morg 101

We might be a little addicted to.... Pinterest.

I welcome you to the "for morg" board.

 This is Maegan's pinterest board containing about 70 pins from Maegan or me. Our friendship can seriously be described by this board. E cards, friendship quotes, funny jokes, how much we hate one direction, 8:00 walk, boys, sarcastic hating everyone pins... it's got it all. Just how we roll. Long live the for morg board. We'd all die with out it.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

porch swing epidemic.

that awkward moment when your porch swing has become an epidemic.

epidemic: affecting or tending to affect an atypically large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time.

it used to just be us.... then occasionally one or two others... now, i come home to the whole neighborhood just swinging. really though, it's pretty great.

the best. love it. always. everyday. faty?

well folks. this is the only picture i have. but this is it. this is our epidemic. feel free to come visit if you like. there is always room.... and company. and sometimes even waffles. :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Very good!

this is us. and our sups cool, handmade sweatshirts. yeah, you're jealous. we know. it's whatevs.
Tell it again?
this is us. and our sups cool, handmade sweatshirts. yeah, you're jealous. we know. it's whatevs.


On our 8 o'clock walk, we bring chalk. And bat tat the whole neighborhood! We call it... 8 o'clock chalk. 
What else? 
Not our's...
Inspiration for... THE BAT TAT
(bat tat, traced in pen on your forearm, means you are SINGLE and ready to MINGLE)
Or we get lazy and just write an M. For Morgan and Maegan... like we are 12 again. Love it. 
pound swag :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

sux to suck

pretty much we're the best at what we do... except maybe blogging. 

In the beginning

Every day.... we go on a walk. EIGHT O'CLOCK WALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thus began the blog. Enjoy