Wednesday, October 10, 2012


well, i recently visited a friends blog. recently as in... an hour ago. it was so cute. really. she did a great job. the posts were all well written, the background looked great, she had the whole deal.

i came on over to our blog..... disaster. if you remember only a short time ago (like 40 minutes because i just fixed it), we had a bad looking blog. and evil cats. thanks morg. so, i actually took time. genuine time. time i could have spent on homework. to fix our lovely blog here. i personally think it turned out quite nice. i like the look. gray is my favorite.

well, along with my friends really good looking blog, she had some really good posts too. that's where i feel we are either 1) lacking. hard. or option number 2 and most likely) our post are the best. they are our own, and they are us, and they are... well, you can fill in the rest. you know.

that is all really. enjoy the new look. i know i will.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

hott genes

so... basically. everyone who is even sort of attractive, happen to be related.

morg: i'm related to them.
me: what? no you're not. how are you related?
morg: because i'm hott.
me: hahahahahhh. my cats are kinda cute? 

gus and baby cat. they are freaks.
but.. SOCUTE:) :)