Soooooo.... remember how Maegan is going to FREAKING MINNESOTA!? I just have to say... I'm so dang proud of that girl. She has been such a good example to me and I look up to her a lot (and probably in more ways than one). Haha. But really, she is so strong and nothing can shake her. She is going to be the cutest and most fantastic missionary Minnesota has ever seen! I'm so excited for her. :)
Well... let's see. What's been going on.... I have a lot of things going on actually, I'm just not sure where to start. and also when to stop, cause I could go all day and...

Anyway. I guess I'll start with the beginning of the semester! I got super sick. :/ Dumb. Except even dumber was that I had to give a talk... so I took a lot of cold medicine and kinda accidentally overdosed. It was the worst experience ever. I'm really not quite sure at this point why people try to get high. NOT fun. I felt so messed up. But, hey! I survived! And people say my talk was good, though I really don't remember most of it. The Holy Ghost is a real guy my friends and I'm pretty sure he gave that talk for me. :)
Since then, I've loved my classes. Well, that's a lie. I love ceramics and survive the others :) hahahah. But I'm learning a lot and getting all edgemkated. (I would like to point out that that spell checks to "germinated")
I am getting my wisdom teeth out in Febuary! Oh, and on a related note, my mission papers are almost in! yayyyayayayyayyayayayyaya :) I better go to Minnesota. ;) Oh my heck. I would die a thousand deaths of happiness. But really I'm so good to go anywhere, because I know it's in the Lord's hands.Speaking of missions, Keaton has been out 2 months already and he's doing super fantastic! I got a letter from him yesterday :) I miss him sometimes.
Well, that's about it for my life right now!
Peace out home bros!