Tuesday, September 25, 2012


BIHASGMBMWE. that means something. it may be an untrue statement at this point, but it none the less means somthing. Anyway, Batman is in our top 56 favorite things in the world.
B eing
A wesome
T his
M uch
A nnoys
N obody
so there ya go.
MM (no b)

Monday, September 24, 2012

dear morgan...

it's fine, you don't have to reply to all the replies... but i just want you to know.... 

and i don't know any talking dolphin's. so probably, you're the best. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

re re re ereeeraesrklsdjfksejarfiahrfgiobdahfcjvkbandf

i forgot what reply we were on.... ^clearly.

um... what the freak happened to 8 walk dude. this blows. and what you just texted me, about 8 walk.. stop. please. now. you're making me feel...... ew. just no. neighbors are over-rated.

and as for the twitter thing.... no. i will never get a twitter. sorry yo.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

re re re this is a joke

go get twitter. blog your twitter name... i'll follow you and then tweet you every second of my life. :)
#thuglife #sincethatmakessense #8walktonight #questionmark?

Monday, September 17, 2012

re: re: real


but really. school sux. but it's good. i rode in the elevator, 7 floors, all alone today. that never happens. lucky me, i guess.

sometimes, i think i don't have friends at school... and then i remember that i don't. except, kinda i do.... i do have friends:

you remember jeremy right? good. :) he's my friend.

and, i don't even have a twitter account.

re: this is real

Hey maegan. I'm.... Just trying to tweet. Harder than it seems. #shouldbedoinghomework #twitterprobs #WeAreTotesHavingABlogConverstion #awkmuch?
So... what the crap are you up to on this lovely afternoon? #NeverSeeYouAnymore #HateSchool #8walkisnowaweeklything #suxtosuck #busylifeprobs #atleastwe'relearning?
talk to ya... later. probably on the blog. #lastresort #thatislow #IsThisWhatWeHaveComeTo?
well... #seeya

this is real

oh, morg. hey.

what up?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


so. sometimes, i get these jobs. funny jobs. real freaking funny jobs. no joke. 

the latest, well it isn't that funny. i have been stuffing envelopes for this company. it's cool. 

we did all of those before lunch. after lunch, we made it to 2500 envelopes.

^^^ that is the not so weird job.

i do that, while morgan goes to school.. school blows. 

the really super weird job that i got into. picking worms at a golf course. yep, worms. monday through thursday's. 9 o'clock until 11. with my mother and step dad. haha 

it was the worst. but we love the worst, so really it was great. really awesome. one night.... i talked morgan into going. well, we had fun. wear your sweats, duck tape garbage bags to your legs and crawl on your hands and knees pulling worms from the sopping wet ground, with your head lamp shining the way. you get paid by the hour. 

we made dang good moneys. 

and.... we sang justin bieber 'boyfriend' the whole time. only not the whole song, just parts of it. 

"if i was your boyfriend, i'd never let you go..."

the last job. well, i am a nanny, right? got morgan to be one too... i sat in the car in front of their house for a good 45 minutes today while i waited for morgan to be done with her interview. 

i played tiny tower. 

and frogger. 
love it. 

so hard.