remember how we love acronyms? yeah, me too... to figure out what the 4 m's stand for, keep reading.... if you don't care, keep reading anyways because i am about to reveal the greatest thing since sliced bread. okay that was a huge exaggeration. and i mean HUGE. but it really is awesome news and i want you to know!!
to start the reveal, i want to start by telling you about how my week went down. it started off a normal week and honestly, the beginning is kind of a blur, except one thing: the tuesday devotional. (remeber how i go to a church school? LDS Business College has a devotional every tuesday held in the assembly hall on temple square. it is a good time). so i walk the two or three blocks in the snow with a hole in my boot over to temple square tuesday morning not really expecting a lot, but boy was i wrong. come to find out, it was the christmas devotional and last devotional of the semester, meaning my last devotional at the BC. it was amazing. i loved it so much. we sang all sorts of christmas hymns and listened to beautiful songs and words. i was a little emotional. i don't think i had any tears but i could definitely feel them coming. great way to start the week and the next couple of weeks full of finals.
wednesday, i just did my thing. checked my mail when i got home from my morning job before i headed out to school, and nothing was there. but that night, i got a lovely surprise email with my tracking info and i went back out to my mailbox...
and i got my black friday package from pura vida!
there are christmas gifts inside of those cute little bracelet bags, so i can't show anyone... :) but, you know me. i love love love getting mail! and also pura vida, they're fun.
now thursday, here is the biggy... i went to work and when i got home, my mom and johnny were here (which is unusual, i am used to coming home for 20 minutes on my way from work to school and everyone has already left for work and school...) so, i saw the mailman down the street and so i took my time filling up my water bottle, and washing my hands and when he finally left our mailbox, i was outta here. i opened my mailbox expecting to see a key to the larger mailbox where packages go, but no... instead a large white envolope was waiting for me rolled up all nice... you guys, my mission call came!!!!
with a cute little sticky note from the post office saying they would have called earlier but didn't have our number!
i guess it is a dang good thing we live so close to the post office and delivery comes by 9:00 in the morning!
the problem? well, i had to run home (literally, in the snow, with tears, i ran home) and i had to put my call away (after johnny made fun of me for crying) and i had to go to school... longest school day ever. thankful for awesome friends who kept me occupied and fed me yummy treats!
so, i came home at 5 and everyone came over and made their guesses, funniest part? no one was even close:)
(do you want to guess?)
well, i facetimed and called and skyped my fam who couldn't make it and i opened my call!!
IM GOING TO MINNESOTA!! i mean, its going to be cold... really cold, in fact, this was the night i opened my call...
so, pretty cool actually.
but aside from the weather, it is beautiful (i mean, according the the pictures i have seen:) i havent been there, duh), and i know that it is exactly where i need to spend 18 months of my life! plus... part of canada is in my mission, and i think that is really cool. and also michigan, and wisconsin and iowa too. and i just want you to know that i know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church upon the earth today, the book is true, and minnesota is going to be the hardest, most rewarding 18 months of my life. and i cannot wait! so, to answer the question i know you have all been dying to know... maegan's mission to minnesota minneapolis is the dumbest acronym i have ever thought of probably, but hey, you read my whole, really super long blog post about four letter m's didn't you?
stay cool,